As students, we always think the whole lot of burden is on us and we are the ones more frustrated to listen that way too long boring lectures, completing assignments sluggishly that make no sense without any guidelines from the teacher, quizzes seem to be mini shocks but oh wait! What about those midterms and finals? Of course nightmares! Lack of appreciation leads to lack of encouragement and eventually reduces the motivation for studying. Later there is nothing to look forward to and thanks to procrastination for wrecking student life successfully. The end resultis staying awake the whole night for completing the assignment that was announced a week ago and now due tomorrow or study for finals just the night before meanwhile eyes ready to rupture explains the state of a shattered student with no one to guide or raise from baseline to the ceiling. Seems like a very awful and outrageous scenario and God ordain the teachers for burdening students like a slog.

Meanwhile on the other side of this dreadful framework, there is this person who is still awake, couldn’t sleep not because of insomnia but busy working on the computer. There falls a drop of sweat from her forehead, not realizing how hard the job is, she keeps on focusing and dedicated with the work she buttons down the whole lecture, jotting the important points in as simple form as for the students. There she has multiple tabs open, shifting from one website to another for the interesting facts, examples, videos that grab the attention of every student. Reading various books, asking help from experts whenever she gets stuck. Persistently thinking about something creative to share with class ands pending the whole time reading assignments deeply and analyzing each and every student by giving comments on that piece of white paper.

The time is now 1:00 am! But in her clock it’s not about midnight in fact it’s about the time to pay devotion, it’s the time now to think about all the faces in the class either bored, tired, mute, uninterested, stressed or lifeless and makes her feel in an amount greater than the students. Procrastination fails for her! Because she has in her mind the average versus the brilliant ones, therefore equilibrium takes forever and definitely not bothering her at all. She is the one who writes whole long guidelines before announcing any project or assignment meanwhile getting worried inside that the kiddos will be able to do it easily or not. It’s her who is more concerned about any inconvenience faced by the pupils and sorting out gives her a big relief. Answering to a stream of questions that confuse students either in the class or after class just few days before exams. Appreciating, reinforcing, encouraging and acknowledging the work of students adds more to their groomed personality. She is a dedicated, sincere, determined, and devoted human. Yes, it’s the time now to be grateful to all the mentors.


About the author – Mariyam Rasheed from Jhelum, Pakistan, is a student of Clinical Psychology currently in the university.  She is a passionate writer, psychologist and counsellor. 



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